膠地板及膠地蓆 LVT and Vinyl Flooring

LVT and Vinyl Flooring


我們提供日本 Toli PWT 膠地板現貨系列,Toli是日本最大的地材生產商,質量是信心的保證。


We offer stock items of Toli PWT tiles from Toli which is the largest flooring manufacturer in Japan, producing only high-quality products.


我們的現貨膠地蓆系列是從國內合作伙伴OEM的,工廠長期生產出口國外訂單,產品有一定性檢定。尺寸靈活多變, 有 Square、Hexagon、Plank等的不同形狀,配搭多變,效果出眾,是設計師的最愛。

Vinyl Flooring

For Vinyl Flooring, we work with a large manufacturer with long experience to produce OEM products for export. Their products are tested to meet with international standards. Products are available in sizes such as Square, Hexagon and Plank …. etc., thus enhancing design flexibility.