

鏘滙裝飾材料有限公司成立於1996年,累積近 30 年各大小工程經驗。我們用專業和用心的服務態度致力迎合客人不同的需要,供應不同類型的地毯,包括寫字樓、住宅、會所及酒店。我們更自設廠房提供織造地毯,由設計、選色、選料、出圖,織造出適合客戶需求的地毯。除此之外,我們也供應牆紙,窗簾,膠地板及地蓆。本公司會免費上門度呎,因應客戶不同需求提供合理實惠的報價,歡迎查詢。

K & K Decoration Supply Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 and has accumulated nearly 30 years of experience in various large and small projects. With our professional attitude and service, we cater to different needs of customers. We supply different types of carpets suitable for office buildings, residences, clubhouses and hotels.

We have our own manufacturing facilities to produce custom made carpets, based on customers’ needs from stages of design, color selection, material selection and drawing.

In addition, we also provide other products such as wallpaper, curtains, vinyl tile and sheets.

We offer free site measurement and consultation service.   We aim to serve our customers at a reasonable and affordable price based on their different needs. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries.
